Schedule 2024 Winters & 2025 Summers Launched

Camp Skandagiri

the newest adventures

early bird offer valid till 25, Dec 2024

rocks, hilltops and history

Set near the historical 18th century Skandagiri Fort built by Tipu Sultan, this program is a mix of adventure, creativity, age appropriate challenges and learning. Activities are designed to encourage participants to step out of their comfort zone, be independent, become confident, stretch themselves physically and mentally; in a safe and nurturing environment

action packed days

Participants spend four days concentrating on each WOW activity in smaller groups of 15–18 under the guidance and supervision of trained instructors. COOL TIME sessions fuel the creative side or expand the mind by building on ideas of social, community and environmental awareness. A visit to a neighbouring village is always a grounding experience. Round things off with fun camp games and bonfire sessions.

program itinerary

6AM Wake up and enjoy a hot beverage with biscuits

7AM Warm-up for the day 

8AM A hearty breakfast to build energy reserves 

9AM Disperse for WOW - Wonderful Outdoor World (outdoor activities)

1PM A nutritious and much needed lunch on camp 

1:30PM Free-wheeling time to freshen up and relax 

2:30PM COOL time activities that mix fun and learning, taking the experience beyond just adventure 

5PM Milk, tea and snacks to up the energy levels 

5:30PM Other COOL time activities, de-briefing, group sharing sessions or personal reflection 

7:30PM Soup and dinner cap off a power packed day 

9PM Lights off, get into sleeping bags and slip into a golden slumber

intentionally basic

Spend the nights under the stars in spartan yet comfortable tents that are kitted out with camping mats and sleeping bags. Share tents with your new friends—boys and girls separately, of course!

a ticket to discover your true potential


Camp Skandagiri
Skandagiri, Karnataka

care and safety

Being well fed and hydrated is crucial to staying energised for the action-packed days. A fully functional kitchen on camp dishes up fresh, wholesome and nutritious food for every meal. Water, soup or juice provided during hydration breaks through the day. Our instructors take care of the rest. They're all certified outdoor experts who go through extensive training and assessment before working with us. For the comfort and special needs of girls, there is a female instructor assigned to each activity group. A doctor is also present on camp at all times to attend to medical needs.

travel details

The group departs from Bangalore in AC buses with push-back seats at 10:00am. We reach the camp in time for lunch. On the way back home, the bus reaches the assembly point by 4:00pm. Outstation participants need to fly into Bangalore on the morning of the departure date.

fitness requirements

We recommend a little jogging, stretching and exercise a few weeks before the departure to gain the flexibility and agility needed to truly enjoy the experience. Do this wearing the shoes you want to carry for the program—it'll help break into them.

buzzing with questions?

or choose some other Inme in Winters...

doesn’t feel right?
try another level